Women In Islam : According to the Islamic view of women

Womun In Islam - According to the Islamic view of women

Women In Islam - Verily, Islam has come up with a set of rules that act as mu'alajah musykilah (solutions for every issue). As small or as big as any of its forms, whoever the person is and wherever he is, Islam has the solution. That is the form of Islamic jurisprudence that contains rules (both mechanisms or systems) that comes from God Almighty, the creator of man and nature and its contents.
Women In Islam : According to the Islamic view of women
Women In Islam : According to the Islamic view of women
In Islam, muslim men and Muslim women throughout history have always cooperated in building science and civilization community. There is no contradiction between them in prinsif problems and there is absolutely no discrimination of men against women, as often alleged the West against Islam.

A solution that fit for humans because it comes from the essence of the most know the true nature of man. God Almighty himself also confirmed that the consequences of one's faith in him is to take on Sharia (settings) as the solution to his life, and accept it with a vengeance.

"By your Lord behold their faith, until they make you into (muhammad) judge (breaker) any problems that they cannot agree, then do not isolate themselves in a sense the slightest objection up your decision, and they accept it wholeheartedly. (TQS. An Nisa: 56).

The first environment that goes into ' record blank tape ' a child is his home, anything that is in his home that was the first to be taped, including the first profile a familiar IE's mother was his primary source of learning. Therefore the mother madrasah (school) first and foremost for her children.

A noble woman from one of his role that is being a mom. The mother plays a major role for creating environmental conditions place children grew up. What was the first voice heard in the child, the views of what was first seen the child, until the words of what he was saying when he first spoke was the mother as a teacher first and foremost to teach.

It's all about Women In Islam According to the Islamic view of women.

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