Islamic Education - The Historic Of Pilgrimage

The Historic Of Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage as the fifth pillar of Islam began to be required of God in 4 Hijri (625 AD). God established that syari`at pilgrimage of Abraham must be carried out Muslims with revelation of the Qur'an: "And the human obligation to God for the pilgrimage to the House, for those who can afford to travel there. Those who deny the obligation of Hajj, Allah is Rich from all over the world "(Ali Imran 97).

This verse confirms that the pilgrimage is required "for those who can afford to travel there" (manistatha`a ilayhi Nabila), that is capable of in terms of physical (health), financial (the cost), and security (secure no interference). When it is revealed God's command pilgrimage, Mecca was dominated Pagans hostile to the Muslims in Medina. The condition is of course not possible for the Prophet and his Companions to immediately perform the pilgrimage.

Islamic Education - The Historic Of Pilgrimage
Islamic Education - The Historic Of Pilgrimage

However, the Prophet ordered his companions were able, particularly the Ansar (Medina natives) are not recognized by the people of Makkah to perform the pilgrimage in accordance with the rituals of Abraham and not do things that are associated with idolatrous worship. When returning from the pilgrimage, the Ansar reports to the Prophet that they do sa`i with doubts, for on the mas`a (line sa`i) between Safa and Marwah are two great idols of Asaf and Na'ilah. Then came the revelation of God, which is Al-Baqarah 158, "Safa and Marwah some of the monuments of God. Whoever pilgrimage to the House or berumrah, no one for him to go back and forth in both. And he adds goodness, Allah is the Thankful Gratitude, Knowing ". This paragraph will frequently be read by the pilgrims while performing sa`i.

In Dzulqa`dah 6 Hijri (April 628), Muhammad dreamed of pilgrims to Makkah and invite the Companions to realize the dream. The Prophet and his companions went to about 1500 Makkah, wearing ihram clothes and bring animal sacrifices. Idolaters of Quraysh deployed troops to try to stop, so that the group of Medina held in Jeddah, 20 km to the northwest of Mecca. Quraysh sent Suhayl ibn Amr to negotiate with Mohammed Suhail proposed ceasefire agreement between Makkah and Madinah, and the Muslims had to postpone Umrah (back to Medina), but next year given the freedom to perform Umrah and stayed for three days in Makkah. Unexpectedly the Companions, the Prophet approved the proposal Suhail! At first glance the contents of the agreement seem to harm the Muslims, but politically very profitable. "Hudaybiyah Agreement" is one of the important milestones in the history of Islam, because for the first time the Quraish in Makkah to recognize the sovereignty of the Muslims in Medina.

When the Prophet and his entourage returned to Madinah, get down the revelation of God in Al-Fath 27: "It is God allowed His apostles dream in truth, that ye shall enter the Masjid al-Haram in safety, Allah willing. You will shave head or cutting the hair (tahallul completing umrah) with no fear. He knows what you do not know, and made besides speedy victory! "

In accordance with the Agreement Hudaybiyah, next year (Dzulqa`dah 7 March Hijri or 629) of the Prophet and the Companions for the first time perform Umrah to the House. When a group of the Prophet who numbered about 2000 people entered the court of the Ka`bah to perform tawaf, people gathered to watch videos on a hill Qubais by shouting that Muslims looked tired and definitely not strong around seven rounds. The boos heard, said to his congregation, "Let's show them that we are strong. We open the right shoulder of ihram, and we do tawaf running! "

After kissing the Black Stone, the Prophet and the Companions began to circumambulate around the Ka`bah ran, until finally disbanding scoffers. In the fourth round, after the bully on the hill Qubais go, the Prophet asked his Companions stopped running and walking as usual. This is the background of some of the sunnah thawaf later: right shoulder open (idhthiba ') and jogged in the first three rounds specifically on the first tawaf. Completed seven rounds, the Prophet prayed two cycles at Maqam Ibrahim, then drink Zamzam water. Then the Prophet did sa`i between Safa and Marwah, and finally did tahallul (legalize the prohibitions of ihram) to shave his head.

When the time for the noon, the Prophet ordered Bilal ibn Rabah went up to the roof of the Ka`bah for the call to prayer. Bilal echoed the call to prayer in all directions, so that people worship together towards "a strange voice 'for the first time they hear. Pagans saw how closely SAF SAF-Muslims who were praying in congregation. That day, 17 Dzulqa`dah 7 Hijri (March 17, 629), for the first time azan in Makkah and Prophet Muhammad as a priest in prayer in front of the Ka`bah!

The Prophet and the Companions, in accordance with the Treaty Hudaybiyah, just three days in Mecca, then returned to Madinah. However, the activities of the Muslims in Makkah cause a deep impression to the people of Quraish. Not long after that, three leading Quraish, namely Khalid ibn Walid, 'Amr ibn' Uthman ibn Talhah Ash and, following the migration to Madinah and Islam. Later, during the reign of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab (634-644), Khalid ibn Walid Islam led forces liberate Syria and Palestine as well as Egypt's Amr ibn Ash freed from Roman rule. The Uthman ibn Talha and his descendants was entrusted by the Apostles to hold the keys Ka`bah. To this day, despite the capture and preserve Ka`bah Sa`udi dynasty succession until now, the key Ka`bah retained by Uthman ibn Talha descendants of Bani Shaybah.

A few months after the Prophet berumrah, the Quraysh violated the ceasefire agreement, up to 20 Ramadhan 8 Hijri (11 January 630) Messenger with 10,000 troops conquered Mecca without bloodshed. The Prophet gave a mass amnesty to citizens who formerly hostile Mecca Muslims. "There is no revenge for you today. May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful," he quoted the words of the Prophet Joseph as stated in Surah Yusuf 92.

Allah's purity of heart that without this causing resentment across the Quraysh embraced Islam. Down Surat An-Nasr: "When comes the help of Allah and victory, you see people going to Allah's religion in droves. Sanctify and praise your Lord and ask forgiveness to Him. Verily He is Oft-Returning, "Upon receipt of this paragraph, the Prophet at Bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer given Rabbana Praise be to Allah wa bihamdika, allahummaghfirli (" Glory to Thee, O God our Lord, and praise be to You. O Allah, forgive me ").

The Prophet immediately ordered the destruction of the idols in the Ka`bah and clean around the pilgrimage of the elements of polytheism and return it to its original sya`riat Abraham. In 8 Hijri, the Prophet did umrah twice, when conquering Makkah, and when he returned from the battle of Hunain. Coupled with the previous year umrah, then Allah could perform umrah three times, before his pilgrimage in 10 Hijri.

In Hijjah Hijri 9 (March 631), the Messenger of Allah sent Abu Bakr Companions to lead the pilgrimage. The Prophet himself did not follow through is facing Tabuk War against the Romans. Abu Bakr Siddiq had orders to announce the decree of Allah, according to the word of God in the At-Tauba 28 recently received the prophet, that from next year the Pagans forbidden to approach the Masjid al-Haram and perform the pilgrimage, because they are not followers of the teachings of the faith of Abraham axle

In 10 Hijri (631/632 AD) the Arabian Peninsula was united under the rule of the Prophet Muhammad, based in Medina, and the entire population converted to Islam. So on Shawwal 10 Hijri (early 632) The Prophet announced that he would personally lead the pilgrimage that year. The news was warmly welcomed by all people from all sides, because they had the opportunity to accompany the Prophet and watched his every step in doing rituals (procedures) pilgrimage.

The Prophet set out from Medina after Friday prayers on 25 Dzulqa`dah 10 Hijri (21 February 632), riding his camel Al-Qashwa ', which was followed by some 30,000 pilgrims. All his wife to follow him, and also his daughter Fatimah. Once Dzulhulaifah that only a dozen kilometers from Medina, the group stopped to rest and prepare for the pilgrimage. Here the wife of Abu Bakr, Asma ', gave birth to a son named Muhammad. Abu Bakar intend to return to Medina, but the Prophet said that Asma 'enough purification bath, then put on a clean bandage, and can perform all the rituals of Hajj. Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, who was born in Dzulhulaifah it later became governor of Egypt at the time of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib (656-661).

The next day, Saturday 26 Dzulqa`dah (February 22), when everything was ready for the pilgrimage, the Prophet climbed the camel's back, and with the whole congregation saying: O Labbaik Hajji ("Here I am, O God, for the pilgrimage"). No one intends umrah, because according to tradition when it can only be outside umrah pilgrimage season. Three ways pilgrimage (Tamattu`, Ifrad, Qiran) that we know today has taught the Prophet in Makkah next eight days. The delegation headed by incessant prayer expressing talbiyah. On Saturday 3 Hijjah (February 29), they arrived at Sarif, 15 km north of Makkah, then rest. Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, the arrival of her menstrual period, so he could not cry for fear of pilgrimage. The Prophet comforted her, "Surely God's provision for such menstrual daughters of Adam. Be quick and you can do all the rituals of Hajj except tawaf until you holy. "

On Sunday 4 Hijjah (March 1) morning, the Prophet and his entourage entered Makkah. There are tens of thousands of people waiting for a come from different directions, and total pilgrims reached more than 100,000 people. The Prophet entered the Masjid al-Haram through Banu Shaybah gate or Bab as-Salam (Peace Gate ') as well of Zamzam behind Maqam Ibrahim. Keep in mind that the so-called "Masjid al-Haram" when it is the place of prayer and tawaf (literally, a mosque means 'place of worship'), while the building of new mosques founded by Caliph Omar ibn Khattab (634-644), then undergoing expansion from time to time until finally the magnificent as it is now.

It should also be mentioned that the Prophet never ordered should enter the mosque of Banu Shaybah gate or Bab as-Salam. He entered that door because it is coming from the north! He entered the gate it is now no longer exists. When in 1957 the Masjid al-Haram expanded to a sa`i including Safa and Marwah are part of the mosque, the Saudi government made a lot of doors. Two doors of which are named Banu Shaybah gate and door Bab as-Salam. Now many pilgrims tried to enter al-Haram Mosque from Bab as-Salam Pintu 'made in China' is assuming implement the Sunnah of the Prophet!

At the beginning of each round of tawaf, pilgrims disunnahkan to pay tribute (kisses) to the southeast corner of the Black Stone in Ka`bah. The Prophet gave the four-way kisses. When you first visit in seven Hijri, he kissed the Black Stone. When the conquest of Makkah in 8 Hijri, he touched the tip of the rod to the Black Stone of the Camel. When umrah when returning from Hunain, the Black Stone wipe with his right hand. When he was 10 years old pilgrim Hijri, he just waved from a distance towards the Black Stone. This last method is very practical and most excellent. But many pilgrims present bersikut-dig to kiss the Black Stone. Just out of curiosity, he was willing to do that illegal (hurt fellow pilgrims) to pursue the sunnah!

The Prophet did tawaf seven rounds. Umm Salamah, one of his wives, with stretchered berthawaf reason is sick. Each passing Yemeni Corner Prophet just wipe it out by hand. Between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone he prayed the most popular: Rabbana İstanbul-fi d fi l the world koko wa-wa koko hereafter qina `torment n-nar (" Our Lord, grant us happiness in this world and happiness in the Hereafter and save us of punishment "). Once completed seven laps, he prayed two cycles behind Maqam Ibrahim, then go to the well of Zamzam. He drank Zamzam water and soaks his head.

Then the Messenger of God to the hill of Safa to begin sa`i. He climbed up the hill and then facing the Ka`bah, Takbir three times and pray. Then he went down into the valley towards Marwah, and jogged between Masil and Bait Aqil. (Now Masil and Bait Aqil marked with a green light. For the record, the distance from Safa to Masil 100 meters from the Temple Aqil Masil to 80 meters, and from Marwah Bait Aqil to 240 meters.) Arriving at Marwah Messenger did what he did: The Safa. So back and forth seven times.

After completion sa`i, the Prophet instructed in Marwah surprising because the Companions unprecedented: he ordered all Companions who are not taking hadyu (animal sacrifice) to change the intention to Umrah pilgrims, Umrah when all this is done only in off-season pilgrimage! With the intention to change the umrah, mostly pilgrims who can not bring hadyu Ihram (free from restrictions of ihram) and a new pilgrimage to Mecca on 8 Dhu al-Hijjah. Therefore they do not carry hadyu from home, on the day of Nahar (10 Dhu al-Hijjah) or Days Tasyriq (11-13 Hijjah) they must provide animals to be hadyu. This is what became known as Haji Tamattu`, meaning 'to have fun', because the time on pilgrimage a few days.

At first skeptical of the Companions of the Prophet carrying out orders as "Umrah in the pilgrimage" has never existed, let alone the Prophet himself was not Ihram! See doubt the Companions, the Prophet said, "If I do not bring hadyu, I will change the hajiku be umrah. But I bring hadyu, so I will not Ihram till I killed hadyuku. "There is also the curious companions asked," Tahallul for anything, O Messenger of Allah? "" Tahallul for everything! "Replied the Prophet.

Then the Prophet decreed: Dakhalati `umratu ila l-l-hajji Abadan Abadan ("Signed Umrah pilgrimage to forever"). That is, since then Umrah can be performed in the haj season, even become an integral part of the pilgrimage! Hear the assertion of the Prophet, the Companions were largely brought hadyu change intention to Umrah pilgrimage and mass Ihram. Only a small fraction of the Prophet and the Companions who continue the pilgrimage (not Ihram) because they bring hadyu.

Since that day, four-Hijjah 10 Hijri, start introduced three ways pilgrimage. First, Haji Tamattu` or 'fun' (Umrah first, pilgrimage) for those who do not carry hadyu. Second, Ifrad or 'independent' (pilgrimage first and Umrah) to Mecca that led hadyu population. Third, Qiran or 'composite' (Hajj and Umrah directly coupled) for non-residents of Mecca which led hadyu. It is this last way, that Qiran, Working Prophet After the pilgrimage, the Prophet did not perform umrah separately and immediately returned to Medina on 14 Dhu al-Hijjah.

Keep in mind that innovation is not the way to Haji Tamattu` the Prophet, but it is commanded by God as a relief to his people, through the revelation down when the Prophet and his entourage held in Jeddah in 6 Hijri, but only in the year 10 Hijri Prophet had the opportunity to go for Hajj and apply its execution. Paragraph tamattu` order now listed in Al-Baqarah 196 tamatta`a `umrati ila bi l-l-Hajj ("have fun with Umrah to Hajj") for those who are not residents of Makkah, man li l lam yakun ahluhu ḥādhirūna -masjidi l-haram ("for families who do not reside in the vicinity of Masjid al-Haram").

When the Prophet and his entourage departed from Dzulhulaifah 26th Dzulqa`dah, all intending pilgrims and nobody intends Umrah though most do not carry hadyu. As noted by Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, in the future, "We went out with him only for the purpose of pilgrimage. When we finished doing tawaf and sa`i ('we' here is a pilgrim, because she was menstruating), then the Prophet ordered that do not carry hadyu for Ihram. "Evidence Jabir ibn Abdillah, may Allah, the most comprehensive millimeter tells the story Hajj of the Prophet, more pointedly, "We aim pilgrimage pure (khalishan), do not mix it with the umrah, because we do not know the umrah (Lasne na`rifu l the visit)." Jabir certainly do not know the meaning of "Umrah in the pilgrimage", because when the group was in Dzulhulaifah 'old system' (off-season should be umrah pilgrims) have not been eliminated by the Prophet

The Prophet as a wise leader waits for the right moment to apply the order of Allah in Al-Baqarah 196, so that people are not surprised by the 'new system' (must be accompanied Umrah pilgrimage). When the Prophet and his entourage rested on 3 Dzulhijjah Sarif before entering Makkah, he began to disseminate the new system by announcing to pilgrims, "Those who want to make the visit and make your devotions became Umrah." Here the Prophet is called, the sentence ' one of them '(man sya'a). The next day, June 4 Hijjah Hijri 10 (1, 632), when all the pilgrims from all over gathered in Makkah, and the congregation has since been relaxed and sa`i perform tawaf, then the Prophet instructed how Haji Tamattu` for those do not bring hadyu and decreed integrated into Umrah pilgrimage. It also appeared to cause a stir among the Companions, to the extent that the Messenger of Allah as a normal human emotion to see the Companions were initially reluctant to 'rectify' intention to Umrah pilgrimage.

From the above it is clear that for Indonesian pilgrims were certainly not native Makkah and can certainly not bring hadyu from home (if one is interested in emulating the Prophet brought hadyu, how troublesome conditions in the aircraft, so most likely are not allowed by the Garuda! ), there is no choice but to carry out Allah's command to take the way of Haji Tamattu`. This is true both for the assembly of First Wave (which formerly Medina) as well as for the assembly of the Second Wave (directly to Makkah).

We continue the story. At noon on 4 Dzulhijjah the Prophet asked Bilal ibn Rabah, the muezzin, and his son, Usamah ibn Zaid (his adopted son, Zaid ibn Haritha, who was slain in the Battle of Mu'tah Hijri year 7) to enter the Ka`bah , followed by the key holder Ka`bah, Uthman ibn Talhah. When returning from the Ka`bah and found Aisha, the Prophet said, "O Aisha, I was doing what should not be done, that is the Ka`bah. I fear in the days of the pilgrimage of my people can not get past their Ka`bah disappointed. Even though we only ordered to fortify God, and not prompted to enter it. "

On the afternoon of 4 Hijjah, Ali ibn Abi Talib, cousin and son in law of the Prophet that since the month of Ramadan, he led an army command to Yemen, arrived in Makkah with his entourage dressed in ihram. If the group acts in Dzulhulaifah pilgrimage began, the divisions of Ali began the pilgrimage in Yalamlam. Arriving in Mecca, Ali went straight to Fatimah. Ali is not aware of any 'new system' clearly surprised to see her free dress with her hair loose. "Who told you Ihram, Fatimah?" Asks Ali. "His own," said Fatimah, "the wives he was ordered to do tahallul everything." Ali went to see the Prophet to ask for an explanation. After the Prophet explains syari`at Tamattu`, Ali pleaded not allowed Ihram such as Messenger. Then said, "Then I will, do not put an end to ihrammu." He gave her some animals hadyu to Ali ibn Abi Talib.

By dusk, the Prophet visited her cousin, Umm Hani 'bint Abi Talib (sister Ali), who offers to the Prophet stayed with him. But He replied that he would like to stay together with many pilgrims who dwell in the tents. While in Mecca the Prophet and his wives lived in the area Muhashshab.

From 5 to 7 Hijjah (2-4 March), the Messenger of Allah perform activities: leading the prayers at the Masjid al-Haram, doing voluntary tawaf and pray in Hijr Isma`il prophetic. Although in a state of Ihram, he took time to visit the house where he was born in Suq al-Layl and a pilgrimage to the grave of his most beloved wife, Khadija al-Kubra, which is located in Ma'la. He also abolished the strange habit at the time of Ignorance: the person on pilgrimage can not enter the house from the door, but had to make a hole in the backyard or go through the roof! Tradition out of nowhere this is prohibited by the Prophet by Allah in Al-Baqarah 189.

On Thursday 8 Hijjah (5 March), the Prophet commanded his people that wear Tamattu` way back dressed in ihram and avoid the prohibitions of ihram for Hajj. They were wearing or how Ifrad Qiran, including his own, had been in a state of Ihram after Tawaf and sa`i for March 1, they were not Ihram. The rituals of Hajj, which he applied in Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina really need to look for these rituals is the 'new system' which is different from the 'old system' (means ignorance), according to the Divine rule in Al-Baqarah were revealed in 6 196-203 new Hijri and had applied to the pilgrimage the Prophet in 10 Hijri.

On 8 Dhu al-Hijjah in the morning, the Prophet and the pilgrims go to Mina (6 km from Makkah) to prepare water, because from 10 Dzulhijjah after their return from Arafat will stay in Mina for a few days. That's why the 8 Dhu al-Hijjah is called Hari Tarwiyah (Tarwiyah means 'prepare water'). In modern times, though abundant water in Mina so that the congregation does not need Tarwiyah (prepare water), most scholars maintain that goes to Mina on 8 Dhul Hajj is a highly recommended sunnah. At least, that we need to do to 'elucidate' the Prophet when he was traveling on pilgrimage.

However, it should be considered that the present government of Saudi Arabia is constantly unload houses in Mina, Mina to maintain sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of pilgrims is increasing year by year. As a result there is the law of economics: cost of rent in Mina more expensive so pilgrims who want to stop at Mina on 8 Dhul must pay considerable additional.

On the day of Dhu al-Hijjah 9 Friday (March 6th) after sunrise, the Prophet and all pilgrims leave Arafat, 19 km to the east of Mina. When passing through Muzdalifah, the Quraysh hoped that the Prophet stopped, because so far the Quraish always berwuquf in Muzdalifah and Arafat is that berwuquf in the non-Quraish. So the Prophet ordered that all pilgrims without exception back to the original syari`at Abraham to berwuquf at Arafat, according to the word of Allah in Al-Baqarah 199 min Afidhu Haitsu afadha n-nas ("overwhelm you from a flood of human beings" ).

Before entering Arafah the Prophet stopped at Namira, and when the time for the noon (the sun slips into the west) he went to the middle of the Plain of Arafat. The Prophet stopped his camel, Al-Qashwa ', in a place where the altitude. He stood beside Rabi`ah ibn Umayya who have loud voices and loud, and tasked him to connect voice was clearly heard by tens of thousands of pilgrims were present. Then the Prophet gave a sermon whose contents are as follows:

"O people (Ayyuha n-nas), listen to my words that I explain to you. Indeed, I do not know if I'll still see you in this wuquf after year. Allah has forbidden for you and your property among yourselves blood until you meet your Lord, such as the prohibition of this day and the month. Indeed, you will definitely meet your Lord and He will surely ask you about your deeds. "

"Oh man, someone who has a debt to return the debt to those who have believed it. Any kind of interest is eliminated, and you can have back modalmu. Do not do wrong, and you will not be wronged. God has decided that there should be no riba 'again, and usury is the first laptop I forgave' of Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib entirely. All of the bloodshed at the time of ignorance should be left without retaliation. I forgave debts first blood is blood Rabi`ah ibn Harith ibn Abd al-Muttalib, who was killed by Hudhayl. "

"O mankind! Syaithan was desperate to continue venerated in your land. However, he will be satisfied with keeping the things besides, which works you actually know that it's wrong and still you do. So beware of Shaitan in terms of religion. Indeed, you have a right to your wives and they have rights over you. Fear Allah in treating your wives because you have to take them to the mandate of God. "

"O mankind! I'd left something for you, that if you adhere to it you would not be lost forever, something bright and visible: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet. Those believers are brothers, and it is not lawful to take his brother's person unless he gives willingly. "

"O people! Your God is only one, and it's also a father. You are all from Adam, and Adam from soil. Surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the most righteous. No preference Arabs from non-Arab except by piety. "
On the sidelines of the sermon, the Prophet repeatedly asked the tens of thousands of people in attendance, "Oh man, if I have delivered?" The pilgrims replied in unison, "Yes, you have to say." So the Prophet raised his hands to the sky while cried out, "O Allah, isyhad! O Allah, bear witness! "Then the Prophet closed his sermon by saying," You must be present to tell who is absent. Hopefully people will deliver a deeper appreciation of than just listen. Mercy and blessings of God be enough for all of you. "

Finished preaching Prophet fell from a camel, and then lead the noon and afternoon prayers in jama` and Qasr. Then he headed Sakhrat, rocks in the foothills of Jabal Rahmah. Here the Prophet received the revelation of Al-Ma'ida 3: Al-Yaum akmaltu lakum dinakum atmamtu `alaykum wa wa radhitu favor you in l-Islam (" Today I have perfected for you your religion and I complete My favor on you and I Relax for you Islam as your religion ").

When the Prophet delivered a new revelation he had received to the Companions, Abu Bakr sobbed. Umar ibn al-Khattab asked, "What are you crying for, oh Abu Bakr? Should not we be glad that we have the perfect religion? "Abu Bakr replied," It had not occurred to you, O son of Khattab, a revelation was the signal that the Prophet might just shortly along with us. "

The Prophet ordered his people not to waste time wuquf. "Hajj is Arafah," a voice said. "God sent the angel to the sky world to record all application grandchildren Adam standing at Arafah." While facing direction, and the Companions of the Prophet praised and glorified Allah, chanting and praying, praying for forgiveness for our sins, reciting verses from the Qur'an 'an and multiply talbiyah.

After sunset, the Prophet invited the pilgrims to leave for Muzdalifah (Masy`ar al-Haram), according to the word of Allah in Al-Baqarah 198 min afadhtum idza Fa fa `Arafat dzkuru l-l-Laha` inda masy` the l-haram ("When you flood from Arafat, remember Allah as al-Haram Masy`ar"). The Prophet asked Usamah ibn Zaid to sit in the back of a camel Al-Qashwa '. In an age of ignorance has become a habit to immediately leave Arafah with half running. He forbade the way this haste."Relax, do not be rushed. Be strong in the midst assist and supervise the weak, "according to his word.

Arriving at Muzdalifah, which is 14 km from Arafat, the Prophet and his entourage Maghrib and Isha prayer in jama` and Qasr. Messenger and most pilgrims stay overnight in Muzdalifah, but he allowed the poor, women and children went to Mina (5 km from Muzdalifah) after midnight, so as to throw Jumrah before the mass influx of visitors. Sauda, ​​wife of the Prophet fattest, seeking permission to go to Mina night because his body is not strong thrust. Prophet permit and submit a joint Sauda Umm Salamah, accompanied by a cousin of the Prophet who was a teenager, Abdullah ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib. Later, Abdullah ibn Abbas has become one of the most famous narrator of hadith of the Prophet.

After the morning prayer in Muzdalifah, the Prophet led the pilgrims to Mina. Now that he spoke riding on the back of Al-Qashwa 'is his cousin Fadil ibn Abbas (his brother Abdullah). When passing through the valley Muhassir, the Prophet told the pilgrims accelerate the pace as he said, "Hasten past the Muhassir, because in this valley ashhabu l-fil (elephant team) Abraha destroyed the birds. "

On Saturday, 10 Dhu al-Hijjah (March 7) morning the Prophet and his entourage arrived in Mina. He did not stop at Jumrah Ula, and Jumrah Wustha, but went straight to Jumrah Aqabah. Exactly eleven years earlier, during Hajj in 621 (the year before Hijrah) Aqabah on the hill, just above the jumrah, the Prophet received the pledge of allegiance of the representatives of the people Ansar (the Aws and the Khazraj) who invited him to immigrate to their city, Yathrib or Medina.

Unlike the Jumrah Ula, and Jumrah Wustha which is in the open field, Jumrah Aqabah is located in the foothills. That is why the reservoir stone's throw Jumrah Ula, and Jumrah in Wustha circular, while in Jumrah Aqabah only because of blocked semicircular rock hill. At a later date, though the hill was dipapas Aqabah flattened, Jumrah Aqabah for centuries allowed to remain surrounded by a semicircle. New in 2004, the government of Saudi Arabia changed the collector throw stones at Jumrah Aqabah a full circle as two other jumrah.

On 10 Dhu al-Hijjah the Prophet threw Jumrah Aqabah with seven pebbles at times, and bertakbir each throw. This is a symbol of rejection of efforts syaithan, mimic the action of Abraham who seduced syaithan when will slaughter his son, Prophet Isma`il as After throwing the Prophet prayed: Allahuma j`alhu Talbiah Mabrur sa`yan Masykur wa wa dzanban maghfuran ("O Allah, treat this as a pilgrim of quality, equity received, and the unforgivable sin "). Then the Prophet slaughtered hadyu of 63 camels with his own hand, and the remaining 37 pigs were slaughtered by Ali ibn Abi Talib. Then the Prophet did tahallul by having her head shaved Khirasy. Khalid ibn Walid and Suhail ibn Amr picked her hairs are falling then brushed the hair back into their faces weeping, because regret what they have done before converting to Islam.

Furthermore, the Prophet went to Mecca to perform Tawaf around the Ka`bah. After the noon prayer he returned to Mina. Hence the Prophet took way Qiran (Hajj and Umrah combined), dated 10 Dhu al-Hijjah, he did not do sa`i between Safa and Marwah. Sa`i him enough once when entering Makkah which includes sa`i Hajj and Umrah. But most of the Companions did sa`i 10 Dhuzlhijjah or afterwards, as they take the appropriate way Tamattu` Haji Allah's command sa`i This pilgrimage to the Companions of Tamattu`, for sa`i them on the first day of action is in `i umrah pilgrimage alone and not sa`i.

Thereupon he made ​​room on the pilgrims to perform the rituals-rituals on the order is different. Throwing Jumrah, slaughter hadyu, shaving or cutting hair, and circumambulate and sa`i be done randomly, do not sequence. The pilgrims can prioritize which ones had done. Even the rituals-rituals are not necessarily all of them executed on the day of Nahar (10 Dhu al-Hijjah). Hadyu slaughter can be carried out on Day-Day Tasyriq (11-13 Hijjah). Thawaf and sa`i can do on Days Tasyriq, even after the assembly can be done as long as they return from Mina in Hijjah. Can also be done in this order: directly from Muzdalifah to Makkah pilgrims perform tawaf and sa`i and tahallul shave or a haircut at Marwah, then to Mina to throw Jumrah and slaughter hadyu. "Just do it, it's okay. If`al, la haraj , "says the Prophet always answer when he was asked by the Companions of the order of rituals-rituals of the above.

Whatever the sequence chosen by the rituals of the pilgrims, the Prophet instructed the pilgrims to stay in Mina on the nights Tasyriq Day, except for those who are unable to stay because of his work. The Prophet permitted his uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, spent the night in prayer to manage siqayah (Zamzam water to pilgrims). Similarly, the shepherds who must care for their animals at night given permission by him to not stay in Mina.

On 11 and 12 Dhu al-Hijjah, after the time for the noon, the Prophet and the pilgrims are throwing Jumrah Ula row, Pebbles Wustha, and finally Jumrah Aqabah, throw each of the seven. He prayed after throwing Jumrah Ula, and Jumrah Wustha, but soon left after throwing Jumrah Aqabah. The Prophet gave the concession for which was not throwing in the day to do it at night. Also for those who are sick, elderly, infirm, small children or pregnant women, hurling may be delegated to others.

The ignorance of the idolaters of Quraish use of free time in Mina for mutual proud lineage and the power of their ancestors. He forbade this arrogant habit and replace it with the remembrance of Allah, according to the word of Allah in Al-Baqarah 200: Fa fa idza qadhaitum manasikakum dzkuru l-aw Laha to dzikrikum aba'akum asyadda Dzikra ("So when you have performed a manasikmu, menzikiri remember Allah like your fathers, even having greater Remembrance ").

Messenger of Allah also implemented the ability for pilgrims to choose two days or three days in throwing three Jumrah, according to the word of Allah in Al-Baqarah 203: man ta`ajjala Fa fa la itsma fi yaumaini `alayhi wa man ta'akhkhara fa itsma `alayhi la, li mani ttaqa ("Those who rushed in two days there is no blame on him and he later also no blame on him, as long as they obey").

So on the evening of December 12 Dhu al-Hijjah pilgrims can perform nafar awwal ('first home') leave Mina returned to Makkah. Those who want to nafar awwal should already be outside Mina before sunset. If the West is still in Mina, they should take nafar Thani ('return second group'), that they must spend the night in Mina and throw away three jumrah dated 13 Dhu al-Hijjah, recently returned to Makkah. Most shahabat choose nafar awwal and some choose nafar Thani. The Prophet did nafar Thani, returned to Makkah on 13 Dhu al-Hijjah.

On the night of 14 Dhu al-Hijjah, the Prophet told his wife, Aisha, who finished her menstrual period to perform Umrah. "This is the replacement for the failed umrahmu," a voice said. She returned pilgrimage of Tan`im accompanied by his brother, Abdurrahman ibn Abi Bakr, and they both perform tawaf and sa`i up Ihram at Marwah. She experiences that do Ifrad (hajj first and Umrah) used by most scholars in the future to enable Ifrad for non-resident and does not carry hadyu Makkah. Also experience Abdurrahman ibn Abi Bakr that berumrah longer be used as a basis for enabling voluntary umrah in the hajj pilgrimage to the Tan`im. But some scholars argue that the congregation does not carry hadyu should do as instructed Tamattu` Haji Rasul (she did Ifrad because of menstruation) as well as voluntary umrah pilgrimage season is exemplified in the Prophet and the Companions (umrahnya Abdurrahman accompanied by his sister). Wallahu A`lam ,

After the morning prayer Wednesday 14 Dhu al-Hijjah (11 March), the Prophet with his wives, except the menstruating Safiyah two days earlier, did Farewell Tawaf '(farewell Tawaf), and they returned to Medina. Prophet can not be too long in Makkah, for his work as head of state he should be immediately done. Three months later, on Monday the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 11 Hijri l (8, 632), the Prophet went to die away. Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.

Thus the story of the pilgrimage Muhammad Let us hasten to do Hajj, one of the Five Pillars of Islam. In addition to carrying out God's command, the pilgrimage is very much beneficial for us, according to the word of Allah in Al-Hajj 28: liyasyhadu manafi`a lahum ("so that they may witness the benefits for them"). Pleasure pilgrimage was incredible and can not be described with words, but can only be felt by each individual.

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